Peter is a sought-after keynote speaker who has captivated audiences across the globe, from the White House Situation Room to the Sydney Opera House. With a reputation for delivering thought-provoking insights, Singer has spoken at the Pentagon, NSA, CIA, FBI, US Congress, the Royal Court of the UAE, Australian Parliament, TED, SXSW, and leading industry events like Microsoft’s Leadership Summit and Google’s “Geek Week.” Whether addressing world leaders, innovators, or change-makers, he brings expertise, energy, and a unique perspective to every stage.
How do we better share new ideas and influence target audiences? How do we better understand and prepare for the future? How do we comprehend new trends and technologies? One answer may be to enlist the power of the oldest communication technology of all –story. Described in the Wall Street Journal as “the premier futurist in the national-security environment,” P.W. Singer is a best-selling author of both nonfiction and fiction, whose work at the intersection of strategic foresight, discovery, and narrative has been featured in media like The Economist and Wired. He is also the founder of Useful Fiction LLC, a company that aids organizations in “telling their story” more effectively. Having worked for groups that range from the US military and CIA to Hollywood and the most popular video game in history, he will explain the “why” of narrative and “how” best to tell a useful story.
“Nothing short of inspiring and left a lasting impression on everyone who attended.”
General Uchikura Hiroaki, Chief of the Japanese Air and Space Self Defense Force
“Dr. P. W. Singer is considered widely to be the premier scholar on all things futuristic”
US Naval War College
“Peter W. Singer was a wonderful addition to our university lecture series. His presentation was engaging, thought provoking and a perfect fit to our conference theme of “Leading Today, Inspiring Tomorrow.” Our university leadership, trustees and fellows, graduate students, faculty and guests all found his lecture riveting.”
Event Planner, University
Robots, Artificial Intelligence, and the Internet of Things. The next decade will see a range of exciting new technologies that all seem drawn from Science Fiction become our reality. They will drive a new industrial revolution, but also create political, economic, and security trends that will remake our world, challenging us like never before. P.W. Singer has been described by the Wall Street Journal as “the premier futurist in the national-security environment,” an official “Mad Scientist” for the U.S. Army, and consults for groups that range from the CIA and the Pentagon to Hollywood. A best-selling author of multiple books of fiction and non-fiction, Singer uses an exciting speaking style to explore for an audience the key trends and questions emerging today that will shape the world of tomorrow.
"The feedback I’ve received has been universally favorable. All enjoyed the approach and the message – certainly gave us all a great deal to think about."
General Gregory Guillot, USAF Commander, NORAD and USNORTHCOM
"You absolutely crushed it today 100%. Thank you so much for your session. The students were totally engaged and it was a delight to see them wrestle with your main themes of Autonomy and AI."
Professor Freitag, National Defense University
“Peter Singer told absorbing and challenging tales of the strategic surprise looking right at us.”
Army Leaders Event
For years, Russia was the most feared player on the Internet, shaping everything from elections to the pandemic. But when it came time for its most audacious operation of all, Ukraine turned the tables on the supposed master of information warfare, which not only drove global sympathy, but has had real battlefield and political effect. P. W. Singer is the co-author of “LikeWar,” a book that was named an Amazon book of the year and consultant to groups as diverse as the US military and Hollywood He will explain the ten techniques that Ukraine used to win its online fight, and what are the lessons for other nations, corporations, and leaders as they fight their own battles of information and persuasion.
“Peter Singer is a dynamic and thought-provoking speaker who encouraged our attendees to re-examine their approach to real world issues.”
GSO Foundation, Speaker Manager
“Dr. Peter W. Singer is a thoughtful and engaging speaker with incredible depth on issues like AI, emerging technology, and national security. Peter has a unique ability to make complex subjects accessible to diverse audiences."
Organizer of the Florida AI Summit
“Peter was excellent, well received and extremely easy to work with…slightly terrifying – clearly brilliant and extremely knowledgeable and insightful”
Business Leaders conference organizer
Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, The Internet of Things, Social Media, and a new geopolitical competition; the 21st century is being shaped by a range of exciting, and scary, new trends and technologies. Described in the Wall Street Journal as “the premier futurist in the national-security environment,” and a consultant for groups that range from the CIA and US military to Hollywood and the Call of Duty video game series, Singer will explore the key trends emerging today that will shape the world of technology and security tomorrow.
“Singer’s presentation, titled NextTech: The Future of Technology, Security, and Threats, was engaging, energetic, and most importantly, thought provoking. The feedback from our audience was overwhelming. Peter received an average rating of 4.6/5 – the highest rated presentation of the conference..."
Convention organizer for non-profit association
“Singer really showed us that we were only scratching the surface of what we should be thinking about in the future. After listening to him, we have never been able to look at the world the same way again.”
Head of Game Developer Studio
“You were awesome. I only worry that the students will expect this high quality in all my events. A good problem to worry about.”
University speaker series organizer
From ransomware to the collapse of cyber deterrence, a series of new threats are changing the cybersecurity landscape. A best selling author described by the Wall Street Journal as “one of Washington’s pre-eminent futurists,” and a consultant for groups that range from the CIA and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs to Hollywood, Singer uses an exciting speaking style to explore for an audience the key trends emerging today that will shape the world of cybersecurity tomorrow.
You were one of their favorite speakers by far – they were very interested in the information you presented, which was all new to them and got them energized for everything they would learn at the program. I couldn’t have asked for a better first speaker.
National High School Student Leader Conference Organizer
“Given the midshipmenÂ’s dense schedules and technological bent, required weekday lectures on ethics are sometimes a tough sell, but the response has been unprecedented! Best lecture ever has been the consistent feedback from students faculty, and staff alike.”
Director, US Naval Academy Center for Ethical Leadership
“Simply outstanding…One of our best sessions in recent memory. Both right and left seemed more than satisfied (could be a first!).”
Foreign affairs committee organizer
The world is changing at breakneck speed. In this talk, best-selling author and renowned futurist P.W. Singer explores the ten major trends shaping the future of security and leadership, from the rise of AI to great power competition and the fight for influence. He challenges leaders to move beyond outdated assumptions and develop the insights needed to navigate this complex and rapidly evolving landscape. Are you ready to face the future?
Your thoughts on changes in 21st century warfare and shifts in power bases were thought provoking and a key aspect in a very successful Summit! You helped facilitate important discussions that lasted throughout the week.
US Air Force Major General
“Outstanding feedback across the board–students, staff, faculty. Heard “best lecture ever” several times today from my students. Great job!”
Conference Organizer
“Over the past several years, Dr. Singer has become a frequent and welcome guest here in our senior professional military education community. His unique insights bring great value to the thinking of our future senior leaders in the national security establishment, in what is invariably a highly rewarding learning experience.”
Commandant, National Defense University
There is no issue more important and yet less understood today than Cybersecurity. Our entire way of life, from communication to commerce to conflict, fundamentally depends on the Internet. The cybersecurity issues that result literally challenge everyone: politicians who wrestle with issues from cybercrime to online freedom; military generals protecting the nation from new forms of attack, while planning cyberwars,: business executives defending firms from once unimaginable threats, lawyers and ethicists building new framework for right and wrong. Most of all, cybersecurity challenges us as individuals, parents, and citizens. The author of a book described by the chairman of Google as “an essential read” and by the head of NATO as “the most approachable and readable book ever written on the cyber world,” Singer takes the audience through the key issues and questions that we all need to better understand: What is happening? What does it mean? And, most importantly, what can we do?
“The comments I’ve received so far are all positive, if not entirely enthusiastic. You left a real impact. In fact, don’t be surprised if we look for you again next year.”
University Conference organizer
“Thank you for giving our group the best presentation we have ever had on a very timely topic.”
US Army Colonel
“Your talk was a big hit – and a week later the students are still wrestling with your comments.”
Commandant of Air Force Institute of Technology